Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10 Days in 7

After Friday I felt like a new person, God had spoken to my soul in ways that I had not felt in a long time. I decided to end the fast the next day. I felt that if I continued it would be legalistically-- I would just be doing it because it's "supposed" to be 10 days long. I was at peace... my heart was fixed and I finally understood again.

L E A R N I N G    P R O C E S S:

  1. Total dependance on God because I am weak and powerless
  2. God loves me unconditionally
  3. God is more powerful than any evil force
  4. God has graciously given me a community
  5. Christ is continuously giving me gracious gifts even when I neglect him

H E L P F U L   P O I N T S:

I encourage anyone who is feeling mediocre about life to take part in the Daniel Fast. God hears you crying out and he is so merciful to answer your prayers with his love. If you are going to fast there are some things you may want to do:
  • Put up reminders of why you are doing this everywhere-- It will get hard to not eat the chocolate BUT with a little note in your pocket it will be easy to pass up goodness for something even greater!
  • Watch your protein-- Get quinoa, nuts, pumpkin seeds, and research for other high protein foods. While you should probably be eating less calories, make sure you are getting enough during the duration of the fast since this is a longer time period. 
  • Be Alert-- Every Time you feel hungry allow it to remind you of God. Look for ways he is speaking to you. And also be aware of Satan. From my experience, Satan works "double time" to keep you away from God when you are purposefully trying to grow close to him. Also, if you are aware you will be amazed by Gods perfect timing.
  • Tell one person- Tell someone you are with often so they can keep you countable. Candy looks really good when you haven't had it in a couple days!
  • Keep a journal-- This will help you be aware. Write everything down because you will be able to connect ideas and teachings from God within the period. This will help you realize how great God is even more after everything. Also, you will be able to go back when times are rough and be encouraged by what you previously learned. 

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